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Adjust your scripts: new arrangement and naming for BLAST databases on the FTP site!

As we announced, the new default database version for BLAST+ is dbV5.  To complete the transition to the new version, we will modify the directory structure and naming conventions on the BLAST FTP database directory.  We expect to make this change around February 4th, 2020.

Here is a list of what we will change:

  1. All databases at the base of the blastdb directory (/ blast/db/) will be the dbV5 versions.
  2. The version 5 databases will no longer have “_v5” as part of the archive or database names.
  3. We will move the dbV4 databases to a v4 subdirectory (/blast/db/v4/).
  4. The now legacy dbV4 database archives will have “_v4” in their names (e.g., nr_v4.00.tar.gz); we will not rename the files within the archive.
  5. We will no longer update the dbV4 databases.
  6. We will freeze the cloud directory (/blast/db/cloud/) with no new entries after January 13, 2020.
  7. We will provide only nr, nt, swissprot, and pdbaa files in the FASTA directory (/blast/db/FASTA/).

Please adjust your scripts or procedures to accommodate the changes!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

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