Significant Updates Coming to the NCBI Datasets APIs and Command-Line Tools

Significant Updates Coming to the NCBI Datasets APIs and Command-Line Tools

As part of our ongoing effort to enhance your experience, we are updating the NCBI Datasets application programming interfaces (APIs). Beginning in June 2024, the v2alpha APIs will be promoted to the stable v2 version. At this time, the v1 API, the command-line interface (CLI) version 13 and older versions, and the Python library v1 will be deprecated and thus no longer supported for bug fixes or updates. Effective December 31, 2024, these will no longer be available for use. 

Our updated APIs and CLI tools include new features and functionality based on your feedback. We’re committed to making this transition as smooth as possible and encourage you to review our FAQs for more details. If you use NCBI Datasets web pages and command-line tools v14+, no action is required.  

Learn more

June 2024:  

Install the latest version of the CLI tools or review information about accessing the v2alpha API 

  • v1 APIs will be deprecated and no longer supported for bug fixes or updates. 
  • v2alpha APIs will become the v2 version. 

December 2024:  

The following will no longer be available for use: 

  • v1 API 
  • Command-Line Tools (version 13.x and below) CLI v13 and older 
  • Python library v1 

To navigate these changes more seamlessly, refer to our updated help documentation that include detailed information on the deprecation schedule and how to transition to newer versions of our tools.  

Stay up to date 

Follow us on social @NCBI and join our mailing list to keep up to date with NCBI Datasets and other NCBI news. 


Our team is dedicated to supporting you through this transition. Please reach out to usif you have questions, need help with migration, or would like to provide feedback. 

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